Property Managers in Times of Crisis

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We’re in an unprecedented time of crisis right now, one that may have you away from loved ones, missing your normal routine, and appreciating the things and people in your life you once took for granted. Nurses, doctors, caretakers, and delivery workers (among many others) are just some of the most essential workers stepping up during this challenging time, and, for those who own absentee homes or multiple properties, property managers are also stepping up to do their part.

Whether it be a time of crisis like the one we’re currently in now or a more personal situation, property managers can play crucial roles in tough times. When it comes to issues with your properties, even in a time where seemingly all work is now remote, property managers still come to the rescue when no one else is around. If you’re a Florida homeowner but are currently quarantining somewhere else, no one but property managers like us at Certified RMG will be there to check in on your property, gather your incoming mail, be there for scheduled maintenance appointments, and much more.

Because it’s in our job description to know tenant and landlord laws and how to manage amenities properly, the needs that property managers fulfill are also essential right now because we’re in a time where proper precautionary measures must be taken in everything we do. Property managers are the ones who make the final calls on when to reopen building amenities like pools and gyms and the ones who’ll supervise maintenance workers on your property to ensure a safe and sanitary job is being done. And, most importantly, property managers are all eyes and ears on your property, so it’s they who will be the ones communicating with you every step of the way. 

Need a property manager now during this pandemic? Please don’t hesitate to give us a call to see what we can do for you. While you’re staying safe, we’ll still be there for all of your residential needs. 

If you’re able, please consider donating to the Coronavirus Relief Fund below.